All-New Wolverine Vol. 1: The Four Sisters

All-New Wolverine Vol. 1: The Four Sisters - Tom    Taylor, David López

Laura Kinney (X-23) taking on the mantle of Wolverine after Logan’s death is a premise I feel conflicted about. On one hand, who better to be Wolverine than his clone? On the other hand, it feels like a step back for her because she is his clone. Part of Laura’s journey has been establishing herself as her own person separate from her creators’ intended purpose of her being Wolverine’s replacement. Which is why Laura taking on the mantle of Wolverine feels like a step back on being her own person.


That being said, this was a fun book for Laura and I loved seeing her being a hero. Laura gets to deal with some clones of her own. Her dynamic with them was excellent. One of the clones, Gabby, was particularly adorable. I can’t wait to see more of Laura and Gabby together.


Laura’s new story is a great showing for her overall, even if I am a bit worried about her losing her own identity by taking on the mantle of the man she was cloned from. I definitely plan on enjoying her time as the Wolverine, but I’ll also be waiting for her to step back out of Logan’s shadow and claim her own identity. She deserves that.